Feedback from Telephone English Day 13 (November 16, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 16. 14:00
Feedback from Telephone English Day 13 (November 16, 2017 Thursday) What I Learned1. Care for...?= used when offering something to someone (Use this pattern in informal contexts)Care for a beer?Care for a ride?Care for some more wine?Care for something to read? 2. Would you like...?= used when offering something to someone in a more polite wayWould you like another drink?Would you like more sala..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 12 (November 15, 2017 Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 15. 23:34
Feedback from Telephone English Day 12 (November 15, 2017 Wednesday) The class today was pattern speaking. What I Learned1. Are you ready to...?= Are you ready + to + verb (present tense) + noun= Are you ready + for + noun / pronounAre you ready to go?Are you ready to study English?Are you ready to catch the ball?Are you ready for the test? 2. I'm not ready to...?= I'm not ready to + verb (prese..
전화영어 피드백 Day 9 (November 10, 2017 Friday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:46
전화영어 피드백 Day 9 (November 10, 2017 Friday) Pronunciation Practice1. exhausted [ig-zaws tid]2. focus [FOH-kuh s] Vocabulary Words1. field trip= a trip by students to gain firsthand knowledge away from the classroom.We went to a field trip last year. Sentence ConstructionMy days are full of schedule.-> My schedule is full today.I've sleep very few time.-> I only slept for a few hours. / I don't hav..
전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:38
전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday) Pronunciation Practice1. desperately [DES-per-it ly] Vocabulary Words1. desperately [DES-per-it ly]= severly, greatlyI want to see her desperately. Sentence ConstructionI have a big presentation at today's dinner.-> I have a big presentation this evening.I have to prepare my application stuff.-> I have to prepare my application documents.I want to finis..
전화영어 피드백 Day 7 (November 8, 2017 Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:19
전화영어 피드백 Day 7 (November 8, 2017 Wednesday) What I Learned1. Is there any way...?= used to ask if something is possible to happenIs there any way I can help?Is there any way I can reach him?Is there any way to find out?Is there any way to make it better? 2. There's no way...= used to express that something is not possibleThere's no way to fix it.There's no way to win the game.There's no way she ..
전화영어 피드백 Day 6 (November 7, 2017 Tuesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 16:59
전화영어 피드백 Day 6 (November 7, 2017 Tuesday) Pronunciation Practice1. skiing [skee-ing]2. trail [treyl]3. disco [dis-koh]4. rescued [res-kyood]5. current [kur-uh nt] Vocabulary Words1. current = flowExample: The water's current was very strong. Sentence ConstructionHartley is skiing for herself.-> Hartley is skiing by herself.I will find warm place.-> I will find a warm place.The water was fast.-> ..
a와 the 구별 방법 정리Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 16:51
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToSftf8pjvE 를 보고서 내용을 꼭 정리해야 겠다 싶어서 글을 씁니다. 우선 a와 the를 구별하는 것은 우리나라 말에서 '은,는,이,가'를 언제 쓰는지를 구별하는 것과 비슷하다고 합니다. 물론 우리나라 말은 조금 더 심오하고 복잡해서, 완벽히 매칭되는 예시는 아니라고 생각합니다. 그래도 영상 제작자께서는 주어 조사를 가장 단순하면서 명료한 예시로 들었습니다. 우선 핵심적으로 a vs the의 차이를 '불특정' vs '특정'으로 들었습니다.중고차 딜러에게 찾아가서 일단 차를 사고 싶다고 언급하는 것은 I want to buy a car.가 되겠죠. 특정한 차를 언급한 것이 아니니깐요.하지만, 바로 눈 앞에 보이는 어떤 차를 보고 멋지다고 이..
전화영어 피드백 Day 5 (November 6, 2017 Monday)Learning English 2017. 11. 8. 13:26
전화영어 피드백 Day 5 (November 6, 2017 Monday) Pronunciation Practice1. calmed [kahlmd]2. danger [DEYN-jer]3. temperature [TEM-per-uh-cher] What I Learned1. had a blast = had a great timeI had a blast with my girlfriend last Saturday.2. all night long = during the entire time, overnight3. by mistake = accidentally, not intentionallyI turned off the computer without saving my files by mistake.4. get lo..