Quote of the Day (November 20, 2017 Monday)Learning English 2017. 11. 23. 16:04
Quote of the Day (November 20, 2017 Monday) In this day, I didn't attend the class, so I don't have any feedback on this class. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. (Thomas A. Edison)
Feedback from Telephone English Day 14 (November 17, 2017 Friday)Learning English 2017. 11. 17. 13:35
Feedback from Telephone English Day 14 (November 17, 2017 Friday) Pronunciation Practice1. enormous [ih-NAWR-muh s]2. police [puh-LEES] Vocabulary Words1. enormous = huge, very bigThey live in an enormous house. Sentence ConstructionI need to go to Seoul by the first bus.-> I need to go to Seoul and catch the first trip of the bus.In Bunyol of Spain-> In Bunyol, Spain (You don't need to use 'of'..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 13 (November 16, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 16. 14:00
Feedback from Telephone English Day 13 (November 16, 2017 Thursday) What I Learned1. Care for...?= used when offering something to someone (Use this pattern in informal contexts)Care for a beer?Care for a ride?Care for some more wine?Care for something to read? 2. Would you like...?= used when offering something to someone in a more polite wayWould you like another drink?Would you like more sala..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 12 (November 15, 2017 Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 15. 23:34
Feedback from Telephone English Day 12 (November 15, 2017 Wednesday) The class today was pattern speaking. What I Learned1. Are you ready to...?= Are you ready + to + verb (present tense) + noun= Are you ready + for + noun / pronounAre you ready to go?Are you ready to study English?Are you ready to catch the ball?Are you ready for the test? 2. I'm not ready to...?= I'm not ready to + verb (prese..
전화영어 피드백 Day 11 (November 14, 2017 Tuesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 14. 16:47
전화영어 피드백 Day 11 (November 14, 2017 Tuesday) The class today was free talking. Pronunciation Practice1. broad [brawd] Vocabulary Words1. broad [brawd]= complexExample. Security is a very broad topic. Sentence ConsturctionI have one class at 2 and a half.-> I have one class at 2:30 PM. (Two-thirty P-M-)I have one class at 2:30 in the afternoon.These days I have a black hair.-> At present, I have b..
전화영어 피드백 Day 10 (November 13, 2017 Monday)Learning English 2017. 11. 14. 15:41
전화영어 피드백 Day 10 (November 13, 2017 Monday) Pronunciation Practice1. kilometers [ki-LOMi-ters]2. rescuers [res-kyoo irs]3. spaniards [span-yerds]4. annual [an-yoo-uh l]5. freely [free-lee] Vocabularay Words1. Paint the town red= to celebrate extravagantly2. once a year= one time each yearExample: I hold a birthday party once a year.3. throw a party= to organize a party4. get ready= to prepare5. (..
전화영어 피드백 Day 9 (November 10, 2017 Friday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:46
전화영어 피드백 Day 9 (November 10, 2017 Friday) Pronunciation Practice1. exhausted [ig-zaws tid]2. focus [FOH-kuh s] Vocabulary Words1. field trip= a trip by students to gain firsthand knowledge away from the classroom.We went to a field trip last year. Sentence ConstructionMy days are full of schedule.-> My schedule is full today.I've sleep very few time.-> I only slept for a few hours. / I don't hav..
전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:38
전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday) Pronunciation Practice1. desperately [DES-per-it ly] Vocabulary Words1. desperately [DES-per-it ly]= severly, greatlyI want to see her desperately. Sentence ConstructionI have a big presentation at today's dinner.-> I have a big presentation this evening.I have to prepare my application stuff.-> I have to prepare my application documents.I want to finis..