Feedback from Telephone English Day 40 (January 2, 2018, Tuesday)Learning English 2018. 1. 2. 14:00
Feedback from Telephone English Day 40 (January 2, 2018, Tuesday) The vacation is over, and the class came back today. Today's Lesson:Free Talking Pronunciation Practice1. doctorate [dok-ter-it]2. tenure [ten-yer] Sentence ConstructionI'm going to go to work.-> I'm going to work.A professor is hard to be.-> Being a professor is a difficult job.There are another TA.-> There is another TA.I didn't..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 38 (December 21, 2017, Thursday)Learning English 2017. 12. 25. 01:02
Feedback from Telephone English Day 38 (December 21, 2017, Thursday) I didn't attend the class this day. Quote of the dayOur greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.(Thomas A. Edison)
Feedback from Telephone English Day 37 (December 20, 2017, Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 12. 20. 17:18
Feedback from Telephone English Day 37 (December 20, 2017, Wednesday) Today's Lesson:Pattern Speaking Today I Learned1. I meant...= used to explain that something or someone was intended to be or do a particular thing.Pattern: I meant no + nounI meant to + verb- I meant no harm.- I meant no offense.- I meant it as a joke.- I meant to make it up to her.※ make up to (someone): to treat (someone) i..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 36 (December 19, 2017 Tuesday)Learning English 2017. 12. 19. 15:38
Feedback from Telephone English Day 36 (December 19, 2017 Tuesday) Today's Lesson:Free Talking Pronunciation Practice1. climbing [klahy ming]2. uploaded [UHP-loh did] Vocabulary Words1. squeaky clean= completely cleanEx. My room now is squeaky clean after my mom visited me last weekend.2. viral video= video that is spread rapidlyEx. Her video went viral. Sentence CostructionIn the lunch, we went..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 35 (December 18, 2017 Monday)Learning English 2017. 12. 19. 15:30
Feedback from Telephone English Day 35 (December 18, 2017 Monday) I didn't attend the class at this day. Quote of the day:Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.(Charles F. Kettering) ※ stumble on: to find or learn about (something) unexpectedly.
Feedback from Telephone English Day 34 (December 15, 2017 Friday)Learning English 2017. 12. 16. 01:12
Feedback from Telephone English Day 34 (December 15, 2017 Friday) Today's Lesson:Book: Can You Believe It 2Unit 9: Fish Turns the Tables on Fisherman (Page 40) Pronunciation Practice- organized [AWR-guh-nahyzed] Sentence ConstructionI don't remember details of that experience.-> I don't remember the details of that experience.I haven't tried to cook the fish.-> I haven't tried cooking a fish.I'm..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 33 (December 14, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 12. 16. 01:03
Feedback from Telephone English Day 33 (December 14, 2017 Thursday) Today's Lesson:Pattern Speaking What I Learned1. I like your...= used to express a complimentPattern: I like your + noun- I like your purse.- I like your cell phone.- I like your new hairstyle.- I like your accent. 2. I like the way you...= used to express compliment towards someone's style or manner.Pattern: I like the way you ..
Feedback from Telephone English Day 32 (December 13, 2017 Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 12. 16. 00:35
Feedback from Telephone English Day 32 (December 13, 2017 Wednesday) Today's Lesson:Pattern Speaking What I Learned1. I tried to...= to express something that you tried doing in the past, but did not succeed in doing so.- I tried to explain myself.- I tried to call you this morning.- I tried to get a reservation.- I tried to get a discount. 2. I couldn't help but...= means to do something just b..