전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:38
전화영어 피드백 Day 8 (November 9, 2017 Thursday) Pronunciation Practice1. desperately [DES-per-it ly] Vocabulary Words1. desperately [DES-per-it ly]= severly, greatlyI want to see her desperately. Sentence ConstructionI have a big presentation at today's dinner.-> I have a big presentation this evening.I have to prepare my application stuff.-> I have to prepare my application documents.I want to finis..
전화영어 피드백 Day 7 (November 8, 2017 Wednesday)Learning English 2017. 11. 10. 17:19
전화영어 피드백 Day 7 (November 8, 2017 Wednesday) What I Learned1. Is there any way...?= used to ask if something is possible to happenIs there any way I can help?Is there any way I can reach him?Is there any way to find out?Is there any way to make it better? 2. There's no way...= used to express that something is not possibleThere's no way to fix it.There's no way to win the game.There's no way she ..