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전화영어 피드백 Day 4 (November 3, 2017 Friday)Learning English 2017. 11. 8. 13:15
전화영어 피드백 Day 4 (November 3, 2017 Friday) Pronunciation Practice & Vocabulary Words1. studious [stoo-dee-uh s] = devoted to study2. prestigious [pre-stij-uh s] = having a high reputation Sentence ConstructionI was free doing everything.-> I was free to do anything.Chinese is one of the most commonly used language over the world.-> Chinese is one of the most commonly used languages all over the wo..
전화영어 피드백 Day 3 (November 2, 2017 Thursday)Learning English 2017. 11. 7. 20:04
November 2, 2017 Thursday What I Learned:1. I think = used to express what you think at the moment I think the movie is almost over.I think I saw him before.I think it's going to rain soon.I think we should get going. 2. I don't think = expression that denotes a negative impression towards something or someone.I don't think he is very kind.I don't think we can wait that long.I don't think I can ..
전화영어 피드백 Day 2Learning English 2017. 11. 7. 19:50
November 1, 2017 Wednesday What I Learned:1. I know = to share something that you knowI know this area very well.I know what you did.I know how to make him laugh.I know how you feel. 2. I've known = to tell about something that you already know for a long time.I've known her for 10 years.I've known Phil for a long time.I've known him since he was a kid.I've known about this for a week. 3. I don'..
전화영어 피드백 Day 1Learning English 2017. 11. 7. 19:39
저번주 화요일 (10/31) 부터 전화영어를 시작했습니다. 영어 공부의 일환으로 피드백 받은 내용을 작성해서 기록으로 남기려고 글을 씁니다. Pronunciation Practices1. series [seer-eez]2. collect [kuh-LEKT] Vocabulary Words1. Squeeze in [skweez in]= To make an effort or to make time for something importantExample: I always try to squeeze in my English lesson on my schedule.2. Home body= a person who likes staying at homeExample: He's a homebody who hates pa..
verification vs validation 차이Computer Science 2017. 10. 18. 19:34
verification: 검증validation: 검토 이 둘은 무슨 뜻일까. 사실 한국말로 번역해도 무슨 차이인지 잘 모르겠다.사실 문맥에 따라 이 둘의 차이는 크지만 우선 컴퓨터 공학 관점에서 이 두 단어가 어떻게 차이가 나는지 설명해 보겠다. verification: Are we building the product right?프로덕트를 제대로 만들고 있는거 맞지?즉, 제품을 만들 때 각 단계(프로세스)의 요구사항을 잘 지켜가며 만들었는지를 확인하는 것이다. 쉽게 말하자면 무언가를 만드는 '과정'을 잘 지켰는지를 말한다. validation: Are we building the right product?제대로 된 프로덕트를 만들고 있는거 맞지?제품을 최종적으로 만들고 난 후 최종 산출물이 유저가 원..